Among 405 entries received in 18 participating countries, the international Typhlo & Tactus (T&T) jury analyzed 67 entries for 2 days 1/2.
The discovery and reading of each entry demonstrate a work of reflection, originality and great creativity. This year new subjects were treated like feelings, emotions, and jobs. Many entries evoke ecology with the seabed. Some authors also explored concepts such as light, paintings by painters … Furthermore we are also seeing new formats: larger books and more play-books. All these entries introduce either new materials or original techniques and interesting tactile surprises.
To enlarge the photos presented, click on a photo in the book then use the arrows (“<” and “>” with the keyboard or the mouse) to go to the previous or next photo!
The books are classified by country of origin.
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Emma, die kleine Meerjungfrau (Emma, the little mermaid)
- Ann Charlotte-Pieh
- Germany
Was für ein Tier ist das? (What kind of animal is that?)
- Pau Mantel
- Germany
Just Right
- Teresa Antony Alapatt
- India
Who can fly without Wings?
- Drubba Esh
- India
The missing piece meets big 0
- Shel Silver Stein
- Iran
“Story: very poetic, sensitive that it is that questions the living together its own pass perception its fragility. Tactile exploration: the materials make peach skin the simple forms in mutation, the systems the displacements gives much coherence to the subject of the book. A connection between inverted commas moving with the book a lot of softness a bit like a caress a fluid exploration Manuel.” The French jury