What is T&T?

More tactile illustrated books, of better quality
for children who are partially sighted and blind.
The TYPHLO & TACTUS competition
is now open to all countries
and is a partner of ICEVI
(International council for education of people with visual impairment).

The aim of Typhlo & Tactus (T&T) is to increase the quantity, quality and distribution of tactile illustrated books for children with visual impairments (partially sighted and blind), books featuring simple multisensory illustrations that are fully accessible to touch.

The 18 participating countries in 2024 making up the international T&T network are working actively in their territories and internationally to:

  • increase the supply of illustrated tactile books at an affordable price;
  • raise awareness of the need for this type of book;
  • advise and guide the authors of tactile illustrated books;
  • share ideas, resources and information;
  • participate in research in the field.

As its principal activity, every two years the T&T founding members organizes the world’s only international tactile illustrated book competition, using the competition and this website to make known, as widely as possible, what a tactile illustrated book is and to facilitate the sharing and exchange of good practices and advances in production techniques, and a variety of types of illustrations accessible to visually impaired people (e.g. presentation of award-winning books from all editions, tips).

In addition, the T&T founding members organize workshops, present at conferences, and participate in exhibitions and book fairs, nationally and internationally.

In 20 years of existence, its various actions have helped raise awareness of the importance of tactile illustrated books and stimulated interest in their creation and production.

photo des membres du jury 2022 à Padoue

photo of the 2022 jury members