All the books

Among 405 entries received in 18 participating countries, the international Typhlo & Tactus (T&T) jury analyzed 67 entries for 2 days 1/2.
The discovery and reading of each entry demonstrate a work of reflection, originality and great creativity. This year new subjects were treated like feelings, emotions, and jobs. Many entries evoke ecology with the seabed. Some authors also explored concepts such as light, paintings by painters … Furthermore we are also seeing new formats: larger books and more play-books. All these entries introduce either new materials or original techniques and interesting tactile surprises.

To enlarge the photos presented, click on a photo in the book then use the arrows (“<” and “>” with the keyboard or the mouse) to go to the previous or next photo!
The books are classified by country of origin.
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Coco le petit colibri (Coco the hummingbird) - Léa Groussaud - France

“Very good subject, about environment and cooperation nice. That is based on the legend. Holds attention on very page beautiful illustrations, inclusive because visual and tactile.” The dutch jury

Et pourquoi? (And why?) - Michel Van Zeveren - France

Tailles, Formes, Toucher - À petits pas, à petits doigts - Pablo (Shape, size, touch - with small steps and small fingers - Pablo) - Rascal & Francoise Le Gal - France

Ausflug mitLangstock Lasse (Trip with long cane Lasse) - Johanna Kofler & Elena Braune - Germany

“It is a game book with sound recognition on an everyday object suitable for the visually impaired: the white cane.

Good points:

  • The subject is well treated, it helps the child to understand the interest of the cane to move around.
  • It’s a good topic idea and it’s unusual.
  • There is a good comparison of scales, it helps to understand the reality of the environment.
  • The point of talking about this object is to raise awareness among all children, so to share this situation between sighted and blind children.
  • The choice of materials is relevant and there is a good tactile exploration possible.
  • The evolution of complexity through the pages is like in life.
  •  The idea of ​​highlighting the cane and loco motor skills gives the child seeing a little bit of power.

Points to improve:

  • Maybe he lacks the way to walk. The child will do the process with his fingers and not necessarily the cane. Some materials are not always comfortable under the fingers. This sometimes gives less pleasure and therefore less appeal for reading.
  • Finally, it’s a shame the story has no end.

The jury’s opinion

Herr Wunderlich, der wundert sich (Mister Wonderlich is wondering) - Almut Bürger - Germany

“Thank you for a very good story. We enjoyed it very much. Especially some of your illustrations. A toilet, a window with spiders, a suitcase they are so funny. You used very suitable and pleasant material, hedgehog, a shoe, an elephant… That’s a pity that a lot of illustrations are only visual not tactile. And there is a problem with layers of some illustrations (for example a first shoe). It couldn’t be below the level, but it could raise braille is too low, it could be more readable by fingers. We like the final joke with different size of shoes !” Czech jury