Examples of award-winning books

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1st Prize 2019

Pinpins et ses copains (Bunny and his buddies) - Marcelle Peeters & Monique Sommer - Belgium

“This is a book with a lot of tactile research behind it. The playful dimension gives added value to the book. Well-studied shapes help in learning shapes. The hero’s handicap becomes strength, children can identify with differently.” International Jury


2nd Prize 2019

Dag Spin (Hello Spider) - Gyntha Goertz & Ann Conefrey - Netherlands

“Well done, varied materials. We appreciate the pop-up of the end. The story is fluid and it is an attractive book. The writing is well adapted to a very young reader. Some pictures are sometimes inconsistent with the way of the reading. The thread of the spider is interrupted and it is a pity for the follow-up of the touch.” International Jury 

3rd Prize 2019

Mamie Rose (Grandma Rose) - Tini CHOUVENC - France

 “This is the first time that this subject (Alzheimer’s disease) has been tackled with great sensitivity and originality. This book is poetic. The images translate with humor the phases of the disease.” International Jury

1st Prize 2017

Una storia imprevedibile (An unpredictable story / Une histoire imprévisible) - Valentina LUNGO - Italy / Italie

Nice opening for the imagination. The book is well done, good textures, a fun version of “Little Red Riding Hood”. To split up the story into three is a very creative idea.

Belle ouverture sur l’imaginaire. Le livre est bien fait, de bonnes textures, une version amusante du “Petit Chaperon rouge”. Décomposer en trois l’histoire avec la devinette est une idée très créative.

2nd Prize 2017

Tana - Lucia Macchiarini & Ilaria Macchiarini - Italy / Italie

Leaves space for the imagination, simple story, well differentiated materials.

Laisse de l’espace à l’imagination, histoire simple, matériaux bien différenciés.