
  • current
  • M.j. Dutty
  • United Kingdom
  • “It is a guessing book, an investigation for all audiences, a book that allows children of all ages to play, explore, search, manipulate. Even adults enjoy discovering and exploring to play. It is a fun, entertaining, interactive book that invites the reader to be an actor.  The visuals are not an aid, all children are on the same reading level, visually impaired and sighted children.  It is also an awareness-raising tool for sighted children who do not need to wear a blindfold to read blind. It is a clever book that offers many possibilities of manipulation and different forms of action from the first page. The format is suitable for children, as is its weight. It is aesthetically pleasing and the materials chosen are pleasant, the reader feels good. This book allows children to start reading and encourages them to do so. There are action verbs that allow for interactivity, there is not a lot of text but it is enough to understand what you want to do while having fun.”
    The jury’s opinion

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